Andrew Miller

November 12, 2023

The Random Thoughts’ Podcast’s Successful Debut

Alas, after 84 weeks of this column, our Random Thoughts livestream podcast premiered on Thursday and based on feedback, it was a success. As I said at the start of the episode, there are many really good domain podcasts, such as Domain Sherpa, The Assets Show, and Domain Name Wire. We at Hilco Digital Assets wanted to test out our concept, not because we felt the need to just do a podcast, but because I saw an opportunity to do something unique, to have a regular podcast featuring established companies and brands who acquired a premium exact match, category domain name and experienced exponential enterprise value growth, and an interactive experience where viewers could call into the live stream podcast and ask us anything about domain names face to face. So that is what we did. Our special guest David Laz of Fairway, the 3rd largest US mortgage originator, stated that he envisions becoming a driver of a 25-50 percent increase in enterprise value or a “1 billion dollar asset”. Several viewers came on and asked really insightful questions. We will definitely have episode #2, date TBA soon, and I already have an amazing guest lined up. Random Thoughts #1 can be seen here and Laz’s comment mentioned above is 40:16 minutes into the video. I also recommend watching Larry Fischer and my Keynote Video from Namescon on our HDA YouTube page, where we also had Laz as a guest and discussed how the Home*com deal went down.

Vivid Seats’ $240M Play for and the Power of Premium Domains

This week, Vivid Seats announced the acquisition of Vegas*com for $240m. Vegas*com is yet another case study of a  company that experienced hyper growth after acquiring the ultra-premium domain name and building its business leveraging it. Strategic leaders like Steven McArthur, CEO of, Stan Chia, CEO of Vivid, and David Laz of Fairway, are just a few recent examples of the visionary founders and CEOs who understand that there is nothing more important than your digital real estate and address. We keep a running tab of other companies doing the same.

Our Ultra Premium Domains

We continue to oversee a portfolio of hundreds of the most powerful and valuable ultra-premium domain name assets here and on our ultra-premium domain marketplace at Squadhelp

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