Andrew Miller

March 26, 2023

A Strategic Investment in Squadhelp

What a whirlwind of a week, one that will set the stage for Hilco Digital Assets to continue our strategic path to becoming the leading player in investing in and advising on the acquisition and sale of digital assets. On Thursday, as we announced on Linkedin, we completed a $10m Series A investment in cutting-edge branding, crowdsourcing, and domain name marketplace Squadhelp. We spent months pursuing this, understanding the potential, and getting to know the team. The combination of Hilco Global, Hilco Digital Assets, and SquadHelp will be powerful. We will be launching an ultra-premium domain marketplace on the platform this summer, which will be a curated, premium, white-glove service opportunity to work with me and my team at Hilco while showcasing the domains on this exclusive marketplace…which brings me to…

The Acquisition I will have more to say on this deal down the road when it makes sense, but it was a privilege to oversee this domain transaction at such an exciting time, for all the obvious reasons surrounding ChatGPT. It was an honor to work with one of my favorite people, Larry Fischer, on it. And the end result was one for the ages, the pinnacle of my domain career (both for scope of transaction, the process, and the importance of the domain right now)…which brings me to…

More Exciting Deals Coming Soon

This week: We will be able to post about closing two more significant category, exact match domain name transactions. Stay tuned.

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