Andrew Miller

December 10, 2023

Closing Out 2023 with Big Domain Wins

It takes hard work to pay off. It is one of the cliches that is always accurate. I have posted here recently that, despite a challenging climate, I envisioned a strong Q4 for the most valuable exact match, category domain name assets, and that came to fruition this week. We Hilco Digital Assets oversaw the acquisition/sale of one of the most valuable brandable domains on the Internet, Tiger*com, in one of the most significant transactions of 2023 and a great win for both the seller and buyer. And also this week, we had 7 figures of domains transacted on the Squadhelp Ultra Premium Marketplace. This coming week is likely the final one for 2023 acquisitions/sales and we have a handful of major domain name assets that could get acquired still this year🤞. The most valuable .com domain names in the world continue to be amongst the strongest performing asset classes as a standalone investment, and worth exponential times that in ROI to the companies that acquire them.

The Soft Launch of

A few months ago, we entered into a joint venture to acquire the category killer domain names VentureCapital*com and PrivateEquity*com, two of the three cornerstones of the global investment markets. In 2010, I successfully sold the company I founded, InsuranceQuotes*com,  and predicted this was the last domain name I would oversee as an operating business. We have, of course, invested in many domain names as standalone investments but strictly for resale. I saw too much opportunity on these 2, at so many levels, to not dive in and acquire them, and the domain owner was a willing and excited partner. This week, we soft launched, which features real time venture, investing, tech and business news; a resource center for Founders/CEO’s, and a platform to leverage our network and connections to help Founders of strongly performing startups connect with the best VC’s, faster and with credibility walking in the door.

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