Andrew Miller

October 1, 2023

Data in Domain Sales

I am a data junkie. I play high level daily fantasy sports and so much of that requires deep data. No data = bye bye $. I do use some metrics and data in assessing whether to invest in or acquire a domain name. However, in 25 years of selling domains, I am confident data has not played much of a role in my outcomes. Sure, a data point here or there but it’s the low end of the totem pole. However, I do strongly believe data becomes the driver when you get to a certain threshold of available and measurable data. From my perspective the only ones who have enough information to draw meaningful conclusions are the largest players; marketplaces, registrars, registries. They have the critical mass where the data is meaningful. One of the main reasons we Hilco Digital Assets invested in Squadhelp is because of their team’s expertise and ability to extrapolate and use data. For me, I cannot say that data has ever been a primary checkmark for a 6-8 figure sale. Once in a while I can use some to my advantage but this isn’t daily fantasy sports.

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