Andrew Miller

August 7, 2022

A Successful Deal:

As I posted the other day, I was really excited to be able to announce that Hilco Digital Assets oversaw both the buy and sell side of the domain deal. A great outcome is always a win for both sides. What an incredible brand, exact match domain in one of the best categories; money. Cannot wait to see the buyer do big things. I am all in on that.

NamesCon Keynote: Unveiling the Secrets to Premium Domain Deals

My Keynote talk at NamesCon is titled “The Secrets to Premium Domain Deals.” In reality, it’s less about a secret sauce and more about not making the same mistakes over and over. My hope is, through storytelling and this talk, I can help people do more seven and eight-figure deals. I am very excited for my Blue Chip NFT panel right after. I am working on having a guest that I think will be really, really tremendous. A rising star. I am also really looking forward to my friend Rick Schwartz “The DomainKing®” taking the stage later in the day. I have known Rick since I was the keynote speaker at his 2nd ever TRAFFIC conference.

Building for the Future: Strategic Investments in Web3

As we grow Hilco Digital Assets, we will make some very strategic investments in Web3. I am really enjoying working on identifying these. We are so early. It reminds me of domains and the Internet in 1998. We are absolutely building for this.

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