Andrew Miller

June 26, 2022

Navigating the Turbulent Market: A Test of Skill and Strategy

Driving is easy when the road or seas are calm and conditions favorable. Good drivers are those who can navigate a change in conditions and get to their destination safely. The past few weeks and the next several months will determine the good drivers in assets, from the equity markets to digital assets, including crypto, NFTs, and domain names. In these times, the inexperienced will crash, and the great will separate.

A Stellar Week at Hilco Digital Assets: Success and Excitement

It was a stellar week for domain names. Hilco Digital Assets and I oversaw the sales of,,, and, with more in the late stages buy and sell side. My friend James Booth advised on the sale of for $3.7 million in a superb win/win for the buyer and seller.

I am one week into our launch of Hilco Digital Assets (HDA), and I can reiterate how absolutely excited I am. I have largely done what I have done, successfully investing in, advising on, and leading digital asset transactions and deals on my own. Now, combining my expertise and track record with Hilco, the opportunities in the digital asset space are enormous, and I am pumped to see that materialize into something special for us at HDA.

The power of Hilco’s brand and contacts continues to impress. Our domain name assets are the most valuable digital real estate and powerful potential brands on the Internet.

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